可以通过Google Maps看看这个奇怪的iPod样的东西:
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From: Bing
Date: Mar 31, 2006 9:16 AM
Subject: Re: Apple AD
To: Long, Qi
Skype sued over peer-to-peer technology
"Apple iPod ad a likely hoax
April 1 is also Apple's 30th anniversary, and the yucks are just beginning. Take, for example, this post claiming that Apple has created an iPod ad visible from space. Blogger Richard Boakes found a spot on the map in Australia that looks a bit like an iPod, and relates an unlikely tale about Steve Jobs winning the land from the late Australian mogul Kerry Packer. Some observers noted that the area abounds with similar structures, which are most likely pools left over from strip-mining operations. A Digg.com user smartly points out the best reason for deeming this a hoax: The supposed iPod's screen proportions don't match the real thing, a flaw that the perfectionist Jobs would never have allowed".
On 3/31/06, Long wrote:
> 如果你在使用Google Earth不经意间在地图上看到了一幅巨大的苹果iPod广告,那么你可能会感到很奇怪,这到底是怎么回事?
> 事情要从两年前说起,在与澳洲出版业大亨Kerry Packer(已故)玩的一次扑克牌游戏中,苹果的总裁Steve Jobs赢到了一个面积超大的矿场。从那时候开始,位于西澳的这块地就一直在秘密地进行着改装,苹果后来在这块地上布置了一幅巨大的iPod广告。而这一切到最近才被一位网友无意中发现。